Personal information



Gennaqdiy Andreyevich,
doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, main scientific employee, Moscow agricultural research institute "Nemchinovka",
office tel. (495) 591-91-47

Anikeeva N.,
Bezanidze O.,
Egorov V.B.,
Egorov V.G.,
Goncharov A.,
Grisina E.,
Derbenskiy V.,
Kalinina L.,
Kanarskaya L.,
Klocko N.,
Konovalov Y.,
Konorev P.,
Mednov A.,
Popivscaya V.

Pedigrees of varieties of blue lupine, bred in Nemchinovka, on the background of domestic and foreign varieties
Debeliy G., Derbensky V., Mednov A., Konovalov Y., Klochko N., Anikeeva N., Konorev P.
         2008,    N 1

Pedigrees of varieties of spring wiki created in agricultural research Institute of the black earth areas (Nemchinovka, Moscow region)
Debeliy G., Kalinina L. , Kanarskaya L. , Grishina E., Mednov A.
         2008,    N 1

Varieties of peas, created at the agricultural research Institute black earth areas (Nemchinovka, Moscow region), and their pedigrees
Debeliy G., Bejanidze O., Popivschaya V., Mednov A.
         2008,    N 1

Wheat and legumes in the margins of the Russian Federation
Debeliy G., Mednov A., Goncharov A., Egorov V.B., Egorov V.G.
         2015,    N4