2015,    N 6 (22)    


Merc O., Tupicyna L.

The impact of motor Lubrizol additive and C-5A on radish (Raphanus sativum)

This scientific paper presents results of the laboratory experiments of the effect of engine additive Lubrizol and C-5A on the plant site - radish (Raphanus sativum). It is shown that the addition additive to the soil (30 mg per 250 g) determines a decrease of germination on day 14 of observation of 2.2 times (Lubrizol) and 3.7 times (P-5A). The studied additives motor dictate the reduction of vegetative organs of plants to 14 day observation: root length - 1.8 times (Lubrizol) and 3.2 times (C-5A); shoot length - 2.9 times (Lubrizol) and 4.8 times 9 (C-5A), the length (1.8) and the width (2 times) lamina. In the experimental and control variants detected the distribution of size of the investigated vegetative organs, which allowed to estimate the proportion of large and small plants. On day 28, the experimental plants analyzed parameters such as: the number of leaves, leaf length and width of the plates, the distance between the base end of the first and second veins second order, a second length from the base of the second order veins of leaves. The average values of these attributes and their distribution indicate a decrease in the size of the plant at the time of ripening in test versions. The paper presents data about the value of fluctuating asymmetry also, which is evaluated by the average value of differences of performance characteristics from the right and left sides, and about the distribution of plant-size differences. It was concluded that the negative impact of motor Lubrizol additives and the C-5A on plants, that allowing to characterize them as unfavorable environmental factors.