2017,    N 4 (30)    


Krasnoperov A., Sokolova M.

Perfection of elements of microclonal propagation technology for original seed production in conditions of polder farming

Elements of the microclonal propagation technology of potatoes, improved for the original seed production in conditions of polder farming, are as follows. Meristem potato plants were cultivated in vitro for 3 weeks at a temperature of 20-23 ° C during the day and 16-18 ° C at night by micro-engraving on a nutrient medium containing macro and micronutrients according to the Murasige-Skoga formulation, 30 g / l of sucrose, 5 ml / l Fe-chelate, 3 mg / l glycerol, 1 mg / l IAA, 7 g / l agar, vitamins according to White. 0.5-1.0 mg / l cinnamic acid was added to the nutrient medium. Meristem plants with 6-8 leaves, before landing in the ground, were subjected to a daily low temperature of + 4 ... + 5 ° C for 2 hours for 6-7 days. The cold resistance of the leaf cells was evaluated by temperature (LT50), which caused the death of 50% of the palisade cells of sheet die cuts after their 5-minute freezing in a thermoelectric TZH thermostat with a successive temperature change in 0.4 ° C steps. Low-temperature test tubes were planted in a natural soil infected with a potato cyst-forming nematode with a dose of 10 cysts per plant. Each variant of the experiment was performed in four replicates. The controls were meristeme test tubes grown according to traditional technology and planted in uninfected and contaminated soil (dose of 10 cysts per plant). Improvement of the technology makes it possible to obtain meristem plants with enhanced survival and viability, high morphometric parameters, as well as resistance to low temperatures and infection by parasitic potato nematodes, which ensure the production of highly productive potato plants, which is crucial for the original seed production of potatoes in conditions of polder farming in the Kaliningrad Region.