2017,    N 4 (30)    


Kazarin V., Kazarina A., Marunova L., Atakova E.

Influence of quantitative traits on the productivity of early ripening soybean varieties in the forest-steppe of the Samara Zavolzhye

In 2012-2016, the FGBNU “Volga NIISS” conducted a study of promising lines and early ripening varieties of local origin in the nursery of competitive variety testing. The purpose of the research is to assess the effect of quantitative traits on the productivity of local varieties. The years of research varied in terms of heat and moisture availability during the soybean growing season, which made it possible to identify the genetic features of the varieties under study in various environmental conditions. The effect of the duration of the growing season on the productivity of soybean plants was weak in the cultivars of SibNIIC 315, Yuzhanka, K-613, Samer1 (r = -0.28-0.14) and average in Samer2 and C-411 (r = 0.30-0 , 44). The vegetation period varied slightly in terms of years, the coefficient of variation (Cv) was low in all studied varieties Cv = 3.8-6.8%. The average height of plants (56-58 cm) was characteristic for determinant varieties (SibNIIC 315, Samer1, Samer2). The taller (68-70cm) were indeterminate samples (Yuzhanka, S-411, K-613). During all the years of study, plant height showed a stable average and strong relationship with productivity (r = 0.63-0.95). Close positive stable relationships with plant productivity were revealed for all the years of study by such characteristics as the mass and number of seeds on the plant (r = 0.70-0.98), which indicates a possible effective selection of highly productive plants on these grounds. The assessment of varieties on grain yield and the stability of its formation over the years made it possible to identify samples adapted to the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Samara Transvolga: Yuzhanka, S-411, the excess over the standard (SibNIIC 315) averaged 20.3-25.4% over five years.