2017,    N 4 (30)    


Kuryanovich A., Volodina I., Abramenko I.

Field evaluation of the productivity and adaptability of alfalfa changeable (Medicago varia Mart.) in the competitive variety trial

The aim of our work was to identify the most valuable varieties and populations of alfalfa in the competitive strain testing (KSI) in 2015-2017 to meet the needs in food crops and livestock in forest-steppe zone of Middle Volga region. The agricultural lands alfalfa is capable of producing in the region of two mowing a valuable nutritious food in the summer. Successful result in this case depends largely on the creation of highly productive varieties of forage crops for the specific environmental zone. Varieties of alfalfa approved for use in the middle Volga, are still insufficiently adapted to the conditions in the region, so the selection and evaluation of source material alfalfa and the creation of high-yielding varieties that meet the extreme conditions of the region, relevant and of special interest both in theoretical and in practical terms. In the nursery, KSI planted in 2015, seven of the samples tested. In the field they are evaluated by three indicators: productivity of green mass, plant height and leaf formation. Sowing KSI 2015, all the studied samples can be described as high performance in the vegetative mass, and drought-resistant. It should be noted that when the humidity conditions of the vegetation period of these varieties and populations showed high plasticity. One sample Population 8 lacked the plasticity with rapid change in humidity.