2017,    N 4 (30)    


Kazarin V., Kazarina A., Gutsalyuk M.

Seed production brome (Bromopsis inermis Leys., Bromopsis erekta Hubs.) in forest-steppe of Middle Volga region

The aim of the research was to reveal the influence of agroclimatic factors on the seed productivity of the smooth brome and brome erekta, which will allow to determine the direction of the assessment of the selection material and the selection of the optimal strategy for individual selection in the initial populations. Evaluation of the influence of meteorological conditions on the seed productivity of the brome has made it possible to identify certain features of the species under study. Thus, in the smooth brome, the strongest dependence (r = 0.72) of seed productivity on the hydrothermal regime was observed in April, whereas in brome erekta in the stubble in June (r = 0.74). The coefficient of correlation of hydrothermal conditions with the yield of seeds in the period of autumn tillering was average in both species of bromes (r = 0.56-0.59). The range of variation in seed production in the smooth brome of beetles was 0.34 to 0.66 t / ga (coefficient of variation Cv = 32.5%) and 0.25 to 0.46 t / ga for brome erekta (Cv = 25, 2). The number of generative shoots strongly influenced the yield of seeds of both types of bromes (r = 0,94-0,99). With age, the thickening of the grass stand increased, which weakened the ability of shoots to form inflorescences. Varying the number of generative shoots was significant in both species, the coefficient of variation in the smooth brome was 33.4%, in the brome erekta - 21.1%. The height of plants in a strong degree (r = 0.84) influenced the yield of dry matter in smooth brome and to a weak degree (r = -0.06) in brome erekta, which is connected with the rosette root type of litter in this species. As a starting material for breeding for increased seed production, it is advisable to use local varieties and wild populations of the smooth brome and brome erekta, most adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the region.