2018,    N 1 (31)    


Shevchenko A., Avdeenko S.

Assessment of potato yield obtained by mulching soil with local plant materials in various soil and climatic conditions of the Rostov Region

The article examines the results of studies on the effect of additional conditions of the technological cycle of growing potatoes in the form of mulching materials of vegetable origin produced on the basis of local components on the water regime of the soil and the yield of early potatoes for technical purposes grown on irrigation in different soil and climatic conditions of the Rostov Region at a spring and summer planting time for tubers. It was established that the productivity of potatoes grown in various soil and climatic conditions using mulching with plant materials was determined by the level of adaptation to the conditions of growth. Mulching materials had an impact on the formation of potato yields. In the soil-climatic conditions of the Proletarsky district, the best mulch material was straw. In the Veselovsky district, mulching with sawdust was more effective. More economically they used the moisture of the plant in the Proletarsky district when mulching straw - the water consumption coefficient was 72.3-90.1 m3 / t, in the Veselovsky District - when mulching with sawdust, the water consumption coefficient was 96.8-112.6 m3 / t. On heavy loam soil in Proletarsky district, to form 100 kg of tubers, 7.2-9.1 m3 of water was consumed, on sandy loamy soil in Veselovsky district - 9.7-11.3 m3 of water. Irrigation is favorable not only to the good growth and development of cultivated plants, but also to weeds that can reduce crop yields by 35-95 %.