2018,    N 1 (31)    


Alirchikov F., Savoskina O., Kudryavtsev N., Zajtseva L.

Agro-ecological and economic assessment of the new security measures flax from diseases, pests and weeds- competitors of a scientific degree

In 2013-2016 of processing flax seeds of the inductor phytosanitary sustainability Energy-M a combination its composition with herbicides Cortez, Harmony and Targa Super (in terms of reduced application rates) were studied. Experiences were 2th factors. Fields of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Flax in Torzhok district of Tver region place settle down . For each variety three variants of experiment were carried out: control(0), standart and a combination of seed treatment preparation Energy-M and crop - its composition with herbicides Cortez, Harmony and Targa Super (CRIS – CROSS PFE). Frequency of experiences was quadryple. The high efficiency of processing flax seeds of the inductor phytosanitary sustainability Energy-M against illnesses of germination of flax: Bacillus macerans Schard., Colletotrichum lini Manns et Bolley, Ozonium vinogradovi Kudr. mottle was educed. The observed reduction of damage sprouting flax flea-beetles allowed not to apply insecticides and reduce the level of pollution. A combination of seed treatment preparation Energy-M and crop - its composition with herbicides Cortez, Harmony and Targa Super (in terms of reduced application rates) contributed to the strengthening of the protection of the flax plant from weeds and diseases, obtaining yields of flax products, far exceeding the level of control and standards. The drug Energy-M, as a means to an incrustation of seeds and as additives to herbicides, is implemented in 2014, the CPK "East" of Gagarinsky district of Smolensk region on the area of 300 hectares of flax with the economic effect compared to the baseline option, + + 3 763 800 руб.