2018,    N 2 (32)    


Kamenev R., Finenko A., Balenko E.

The influence of chicken manure on tne yield of tomato in greenhouses with drip irrigation in Rostov region

Тhe paper presents data on the effect of chicken manure on the yield of tomato when grown in greenhouses using drip irrigation on ordinary black soil in Semikarakorsk district of Rostov region in the spring circular plastic foil glasshouse. On average, for 2016 and 2017, the yield of tomatoes in the control variant was 117.1 t / he. The greatest effect from the application of chicken manure in the experience obtained when using the maximum dose of 35 t/he. Increase in average yields for 2 years to control version was 79.5 t/he or 67.9%. The best result from the joint use of fertilizers and chicken manure is achieved when applying it at a dose of 25 t/he – 162,6 t/he or 138,9%, which is significantly more than in the optimal variant with chicken manure at a dose of 35 t/he - 71,0%. It was found that, despite the use of chicken manure in large doses, as well as from the joint use of mineral and organic fertilizers, exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in commercial tomato products grown under drip irrigation did not occur.