2018,    N 2 (32)    


Sanina N.

Effect of mineral fertilizer systems on the productivity and quality of spring barley grains in the arid conditions of the Middle Volga Region

The aim of the research was to study the optimization of the nutrition of spring barley with the systematic introduction of various doses of complete fertilizers.The calendar periods were revealed, in which the main climatic indices exerted the greatest influence on the yield of barley. The use of mineral fertilizers in favorable years increased yield to 154%, in unfavorable - no more than 48% or observed a decrease to 27%. Leading role in increasing the yield of barley belongs to nitrogen.Its application in doses of 60-120 kg ai / ha together with phosphorus and potassium raises the yield to an average of 62%. Phosphate fertilizers increase the productivity of barley grain to 58%. The optimal dose of potassium was 30 kg ai / ha with a yield increase of 47% against the background of N60P60. The use of fertilizers increases the contribution of lateral shoots to the yield of the plant. The proportion of lateral shoots in the mass of grain from the plant increased to 51% compared with 37% in the control. The dose of N60-120P0-90K0-60 contributed to an increase in the protein protein content by 1-2%. There was an improvement in the technological qualities of barley grain at fertilizer doses N60-90P60-90K30. The most optimal for years of research was the use of full mineral fertilizer in doses N60-120P60-90K30.