2018,    N 3 (33)    


Grishina E.A.

Features of immunity of helminthiasis. Modern problems and approaches to their decision

Intensive development of the parasitic diseases immunology in the past decade allows to make a definite conclusion about the features of the immune response formation in helminthiasis and its key problems, such as short duration, low-efficiency and the ability to cause the development of immunopathological processes. The aim of this review was to identify most significant stages of helminthiasis immunogenesis wich can cause its low protective ability, and for which further comprehensive study of modern molecular biologists, geneticists, biochemists, immunologists and parasitologists should be held to clarify the immunopathology induction mechanisms and improve methods of prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Results and discussion. Studies have revealed that the main condition for relationship building in the system "parasite-host" is the presence of protection mechanisms in helminths against exposure to the host's immune system and immunomodulation mechanisms up to the complete immunosuppression in host. Products of helminths vital activity, so-called secretory-excretory products (SEPs), as well as changed in the process of pathogenesis host proteins and cells become a powerful immune stimulus and activate mechanisms for general and local immunity [8]. The most effective defense mechanisms in helminthiasis are following: participation of IgE antibodies class and IgG2 subclass, which play a major role in the activation of cell adhesive activity; influence of cytotoxic T cells (T killer cells, CD8+ -cells); involvement of macrophages, activated with T-cells; work of induced effector cells (eosinophils, neutrophils, mast cells, platelets, etc.), and the results of natural killer (NK) and regulating Treg- lymphocyte population (CD4 + CD25 + -cells) activity. It was shown that helminthiasis are accompanied by oxidative stress, which is characterized by decreased activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase [10], and an increase of lipid peroxidation products, which may cause primary DNA damage underlying in gene and chromosomal mutations that is shown in prior studies [6, 11, 12]. Parasites metabolites have a cytotoxic effect on somatic, generative and immune cells of host, causing the increase of apoptotic cells among them [1, 2, 3, 4]. Theoretical significance of the data on identification problems of helminthiases immunology is undoubted. Its practical implementation offers the significant increase in the effectiveness of helminthiasis prevention and control.