2018,    N 3 (33)    


Nikolayev S., Chekhranova S., Batirgaliyev E., Struk N.

Physiological indicators of bull calves when introduced into the diet of chickpeas

The productivity of farm animals largely depends on the metabolism and physiological state of the animals. The level and quality of feeding can have a significant impact on the physiological processes of the body. In this regard, scientific and economic research was aimed at studying the influence of substandard grain chickpeas Privot-1 on the physiological indicators of bull-calves in the conditions of the SPK-breeding plant "Krasnyi Oktyabr" in the Volgograd region. As the concentrated forages in rations of bull-calves here use a grain of barley and wheat. In the course of the experiment in 1 experimental group, the wheat grain was replaced by nutrient for pea grain, in 2 experimental - for chickpea kernels. In the course of studies on the nature of digestibility of feed and metabolism, the highest rates were recorded in the 2 experimental groups, the gobies from which were superior to their peers from the control group and 1 trial group. In the course of studies on the nature of digestibility of feed and metabolism, the highest rates were recorded in the 2nd test group, the gobies from which surpassed their peers from the control group and 1 experimental group for digesting dry matter by 1.89% and 0.55%, organic matter - by 2.36% and 0.69%, crude protein by 2.66% and 1.46%, raw fat by 4.31% and 1.46%, crude fiber by 3.31% and 1.43%, BEV - by 4.40% and 1.53%. The level of balance of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus was also higher in the gobies of the two experimental groups who received sub-standard grain: they excelled their analogues for nitrogen deposition by 16.13% and 3.56%, calcium by 2.07% and 0,84%, phosphorus - by 2.30% and 1.05%, which also reflects the expediency of using leguminous crops. Hematological and clinical indicators were also at the level of acceptable physiological norms. Along with this, the use of chickens helped improve sperm production, such as sperm concentration and sperm activity. Based on the studies carried out, the positive effect of chickpeas on feed digestibility and metabolism was established. Rations with the use of leguminous plants (peas and chickpeas of the Volgograd selection) also not only provided the animals with nutrients, but also contributed to the strengthening of the physiological state and activation of the reproductive abilities of the bull-calves.