2018,    N 4 (34)    


Sanina N., Kukushkyna L.

Influence of technology elements on the yield and grain quality of modern varieties of spring barley in the Middle Volga region

The aim of the research was to study the influence of such technology elements as seeding rates on yield and grain quality of spring barley varieties Povolzhsky 16, Povolzhsky 22 and Batik, to reveal the effectiveness of a single foliar feeding with Mival-Agro + Lignohumate + Zelenite N complex at different seeding rates. Varieties Povolzhsky 16 and Batik had a maximum productivity of 2.77 t/ha in variants without fertilizers at a seeding rate of 5 million / ha and 2.79 t/ha in variants with fertilizers at a seeding rate of 4 million per hectare. The variety Povolzhsky 22 was distinguished by the most stable for years value of productivity depending on the seeding rate, showing the highest productivity of 2.61 t/ha with a seeding rate of 4 million / ha in the variants without fertilizers and 2.78 t/ha with a seeding rate of 5 million ./ha in options with fertilizers. The increase in yield due to a single application of fertilizers to 2.5 t / ha was noted in all varieties with a seeding rate of 4 million / ha. Volga 22 turned out to be the most responsive, increasing productivity by 0.17-0.35 t/ha at all seeding rates and increasing the protein content of grain to 0.8% at seeding rates of 3 and 4 million / ha. The largest conditionally net income of up to 2230 rubles / ha was observed with an increase in the seeding rate from 3 to 4 million / ha. The use of Mival-Agro + Lignohumate + Zelenite N turned out to be economically advantageous at all increases in the yield of 0.1–0.35 t/ha.