2018,    N 4 (34)    


Savich V., Sorokin A., Balabko P.. Piskunova A., Sukkar L.

Thermal effects of the interaction of soil with water, fertilizers and toxicants

The thermal effects of reactions of soils are certain with Н2О, КН2РО4, Рb(NО3)2, hydroxylamine, NН43 with the use of termoindikatornyh films, the thermal imager, calorimeter, on the change of colour gamut of soils in the colour systems of RGB, CMYK. Large warmth of moistening (cal/ г) from 2,0-3,9 to 4,7-6,3 corresponded to the greater swelling (according to 7,4 and 16,7 % from the volume), of less speed of filtration are 14,5 ml/см2 per hour to 3,1. The thermal effects of cooperation of soils with 0,1h КН2РО4 differed for the different types of soils and horizons. At cooperation of sorbate with Ап of sod-podzolic srednesuglinistoj soil a size Δto was +1,0o, in black earth - +2,2. For horizon of А2В of sod-podzolic soil the thermal effect of this reaction was equal +0,50, for horizon В black earth - +0,60. At cooperation of horizon Аn of black earth with 0,1h Рb(NО3)2 a thermal effect was equal + 1,10, for horizon of В1 - +0,20. Size of temperature effect of cooperation of soils with КН2РО4, NН43 was proportional to the saturation of soils these connections. The Thermal effect of reactions spread undulating from the zone of bringing in soil of sorbate and changed in time. It is suggested to use the thermal effect of reactions of soil with water, fertilizers, meliorantami, toxicants for description of sorption properties of soils in relation to these connections.