2018,    N 4 (34)    


Savich V., Balabko P.. Sorokin A., Chinilin A.

Colour gamut of soils, estimated by the methods of computer diagnostics, as indicator of their genesis, fertility and degree of degradation

A colour gamut of soils is the indicator of humidity, structure of soils, maintenance and group composition of humus, closeness, grain-size, chemical and mineralogical composition of breeds.. She characterizes intensity of aleak in soil of pochvoobrazovatelny processes, cultivating and degradation : gleizations, podzolizations, ferralitization, salinization, alcalination, cespititious process. Combination of colors is the indicator of development of erosion, salinization, impoverishment of soils the elements of feed, contamination, desertization. Useful state information soils gives combination of colors in the different ranges of spectrum, including in visible, ultra- violet thermal, change of colour gamut on horizons of soil profile. Additional state information soils the estimation of their colour gamut gives, and also colour gamut of vegetable cover in a seasonal dynamics. Each of these factors determines a colour gamut in the certain range of spectrum with the display of effects of synergism and antagonism interference of colors. У = Σk1Х1n, where k is a degree of influence, Х- is intensity of factor, stipulating a color Simultaneously a color at one wave-length is conditioned by a few factors: λ1 = K1X1n + K2X2n etc., where Xn are factors, К- a degree of their influence on intensity of color at λ1 At the same time, and many factors change intensity of color in different lengths of waves : λ12 = Z1X1n + Z2X2n +… Genesis, fertility and degree of degradation of soils, characterizes and appropriate appropriate change of colour gamut on a soil profile, her change at affecting soil of selective indicators (Н2О2, NaF, Na2S2O3, reagent Tamm etc.). Carries an informative estimation and area of separate colour spots in the profile of soils and in the structure of soil cover.