2019,    N 1 (35)    


Kazak A., Loginov Yu.

Productivity and quality of grain of mid-season and srednepozdny valuable grades of spring-sown soft field of the Siberian selection in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region

Due to use in selection programs of various initial material from a world collection of N.I. Vavilov, including valuable and strong grades of a winter wheat, the Siberian selectors created a series of the grades of spring-sown soft field which are well adapted to local conditions which represent a valuable gene pool for further development of selection of noted culture. In 2013-2015 mid-season and srednepozdny valuable grades of spring-sown soft field of the Siberian selection were studied on the pilot field GAU of the Northern Trans-Ural region in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region. Valuable sources on separate and to a complex of economic signs which can be used in further selection are allocated. So, on density of shoots (557-576 pieces/sq.m) Altayskaya 325, Altai steppe, the Duet, Tyumenskaya 29, Sibakovsky anniversary were allocated. On safety of plants to cleaning (480-517 pieces/sq.m) grades Altai 110 and 325, Altai steppe, the Duet, Omskaya 33, Kazakhstanskaya 10, the Third were allocated. Noted grades steadily formed the analyzed indicators by years. On an average background of food efficiency sources with productivity of 3.03-3.23 t/hectare are allocated. Grades Altai steppe, the Duet, Omskaya 33, Altai 100, 105, 325 concern them. The productivity variation coefficient by years made 23.6-32.8%. Grades Altai 100 and 325, Altai steppe, Alyoshina, Svetlanka, the Steppe wave, Ilyinsky, Kazakhstanskaya 10, Krasnoufimskaya 100, Sibakovsky anniversary annually formed a large amount of gluten of the first group of quality. The complex of valuable economic signs is well shown at grades Altai 110 and 325, Altai steppe, the Duet, Svetlanka, the Steppe wave, Ilyinsky, Sibakovsky anniversary. The allocated sources on separate and to a complex of economic signs are valuable initial material for further selection of spring-sown field in the region.