2019,    N 3 (37)    


Drozdov I., Akimov A., Tyulin V., Sutyagin V., Sholya P.

Fertilization of stern-podzolic soils in adaptive crop production

The system of fertilizers is studied depending on orographic and anthropogenic factors. An adaptive system of fertilizers is proposed, in which the supply of organic matter to the soil was mainly carried out through renewable resources. Field research was conducted in the All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands (VNIIMZ) and the Tver State Agricultural Academy (TGSHA). The production of crop production can be significantly increased by introducing into the soil compost of multi-purpose (CMN), developed in VNIIMZ. On an average in agrolandscape, the introduction of CMN provides an increase in the productivity of the rotation link (rape-wheat) by 13.4 centners / ha of feed units. Its magnitude varies greatly within the agro landscape, where it exceeds 15 centners / ha of feed units at the top of the hill. In the Tver GCA it was established that the yield of potatoes (207 c / ha) was obtained on the version where compost SALT + peat (1: 3) was used. On the variant with a wider ratio of OVB + peat (1: 5), potato yields are lower by 12 centners per hectare. Plodosmenny crop rotation is more productive than grain-crop and permanent crop rotation for 3 - 16 centners of feed. units / ha. In the crop rotations with perennial grasses, 30-35 t / ha of manure was annually applied to the soil in terms of conditional manure, which neutralized the effectiveness of fertilizers. The application of litter-sawdust compost at a rate of application of 10 t / ha ensured an increase in barley yield of 6.4 and 11.1 c / ha or 32.6 and 47.0%, as compared to other experiment variants.