2019,    N 3 (37)    


Trofimov V., Lipatkin V., Trofimova O.

The role of imago feeding of the black fir sawyer Monochamus urussovi Fisch. (Coleoрtera, Cerambycidae) in weakening of fir tree

The imago feeding of the Black fir sawyer under conditions of rarefied populations is not the primary cause of the weakening and death of trees. The value of the yellowing of the fir crowns does not reflect the activity of imago feeding. Most of the dying and shrunken shoots up to 0.5 mm thick do not have traces of imago damage. In most cases, damage to the branches by beetles in the current year does not cause the characteristic redness of the needles of damaged shoots and do not appear visually. From June of next year, one third of the killed by the beetles shoots are not needles and identified only by a detailed analysis of model branches. Damage by the imago feeding begins in the lower part of the crown, and as the tree weakens, it spreads higher. Most of the damaged branches are located inside the crown at a distance of 1.0 m from its surface. Therefore, the visual assessment of crowns damage is somewhat underestimated, even on openly located trees.