2019,    N 3 (37)    


Sannikova N.

Environmental impact analysis and assessment during the reconstruction (on the example of the meliorative system)

The article discusses the results of surveys on environmental impact assessment during the reconstruction of the Kukushka meliorative system in the Golyshmanovsky district of the Tyumen region. The aim of the work was to analyze the impact of the Kukushka inter-farm system on the components of the environment (atmospheric air, soil, surface water, flora and fauna) during its reconstruction. The existing system is designed for the removal of surface water from the adjacent territory. The reconstruction is carried out on the already built system. This system is intended for the transport of surface runoff from the swamp massif to the receiving water. Since, during the operation of the system, natural aging of structures (tubular crossings) took place, the canal was overgrown with shrub and woody vegetation, unauthorized clogging of the canal with household garbage and waste in the form of barrels, tires, construction waste, and a violation of the channel’s design parameters occurred. system reconstruction. During the reconstruction of the ameliorative system, it should be noted that the negative impacts will be temporary in nature and only during the period of the reconstruction of the system. A positive impact will be observed after the reconstruction of the works: the expected result of the implementation of design solutions is the prevention of the disposal of agricultural land from 444 hectares of agricultural land. Also, the implementation of design solutions for the reconstruction of the system will improve the drainage regime from drained land, stop the process of watering adjacent lands. The adopted technical solutions and environmental measures meet modern requirements for environmental protection.