2019,    N 3 (37)    


Akateva T.

Assessment of the impact of vehicles on the quality of atmospheric air in Tyumen

Currently, despite the high level of development of environmentally friendly technologies, the intensive impact of human economic activity on the environment, in particular on atmospheric air, continues. The atmosphere has a strong impact not only on humans and the environment, but also on the geological environment, soil and vegetation cover, hydrosphere, buildings, structures and other man-made objects. Therefore, the protection of atmospheric air is one of the most priority environmental problems and it pays great attention to all developed countries, including the Russian Federation. Features of the environmental situation in certain regions of Russia and the emerging environmental problems are due to local natural conditions and the nature of the impact on them of industry, transport, public utilities and agriculture. The article is devoted to assessing the impact of motor transport on the quality of atmospheric air in Tyumen The relevance of this topic is that the number of vehicles on highways of cities is constantly increasing, along with their negative impact on the quality of atmospheric air. The method of calculating emissions of pollutants by motor transport is based on the gradual determination of emissions (emissions) of toxic substances (carbon oxide - CO, hydrocarbons - CnHm, nitrogen oxides - NOx) with the exhaust gases of road transport, the concentration of air pollution by these substances at different distances from the road and comparing the data with maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of these substances in air. It is shown that the concentrations of emitted substances in the air decrease with distance from the roadway.