2019,    N 3 (37)    


Ukenov B., Verkhoshentseva Yu., Hardikova S.

Environmental assessment of roadside soils of the Orenburg region

This article deals with soil pollution by heavy metals in the conditions of technogenic influence. Methods and ways of entrance of pollutants in soils, and also features of their accumulation in the soils settling down close to highways Orenburg – Orsk and Orenburg - Abdulino are described. Examines the nature of the distribution of pollutants depending on the distance from roads. Determination of heavy metals content in soils was carried out according to the method of N. To. Krupskogo and A. M. Alexandrova in the modification of TIN GOST R 50683-94. The paper presents the results of comparison of soil contamination with heavy metals in comparison with the maximum permissible concentration. These territories are the sites exposed to considerable technogenic influence. Studies have shown that in these areas there is an increased content of a number of heavy metals in soils, of which the main elements present in man-made pollution flows are copper, Nickel, chromium, zinc and lead. This result does not contradict the standard ecological situation. In the course of studying the physical properties of soils of the sites located in the vicinity of highways, it was revealed that in the immediate vicinity of the road, regardless of the subzone of black soil, the soils have a satisfactory structural factor. Density values decrease as you move away from the highway in both cases. Humus formation in chernozems has its own characteristics, as the composition and properties of organic matter, its reserves determine such properties of these soils as high and stable fertility and many optimal parameters of the ecological functions of soils in the biosphere. The observation of the amount of organic matter showed that the humus content increases as it is removed from the roadway. This trend is typical for both highways.