2019,    N 4 (38)    


Tuarmenskij V., Baranovskij A., Gogmachadze G., Vinogradov D., Ivanov E., Nadezhkina E.

The evolution of urban architecture as a factor in the synanthropization of birds

The considers one of the mechanisms of the formation of the structure of the synanthropic avifauna - the provision of closed-nesting birds with suitable nesting sites. Many hollow nests in the anthropogenic landscape regularly settle in shelters of anthropogenic origin, or even completely switch to their use. It is shown that, as the architecture changes in the historical period, the conditions for bird nesting in buildings also changed significantly. The most suitable for nesting most birds are low-rise buildings of ancient architecture. In addition to residential buildings, birds settled in farm buildings, as well as in elements of the natural environment that are preserved in courtyards, on land plots and abandoned garden plots. As the architecture changed in the historical period, the most favorable for nesting birds, building elements disappeared or were transformed in such a way that they ceased to be acceptable for nest placement. Therefore, in the city of Ryazan, out of 24 species of birds that can nest in buildings, only half (12 species) use modern high-rise buildings for nesting, and only 5 species (20.1%) occupy more than half of the breeding pairs in such buildings. Modern urban development deprives nesting places not only of hollow nests, but also the majority of open nesting birds, due to the destruction of the landscape and vegetation traditional for the city. In modern cities, nesting conditions are unfavorable for most bird species. With an excess of some types of nesting sites, their most suitable types are in short supply, which gives rise to intraspecific and interspecific competition. This may be an important factor restraining the process of synanthropization of the majority of representatives of the domestic avifauna.