2020,    № 3 (41)    


Lyamzin V.I., Bukharina I.L., Isupova A.A.

Influence of joint use of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms, endotrophic fungi and higher plants on changes in invertase activity of oil-contaminated soils

The field experiment results are presented on the study of biologic-oil destructor, endotrophic (microscopic) fungi and higher plants combined effect on invertase activity parameters oil-contaminated soil in the article. The bioremediation stage of loamy sod-medium podzolic soils with an oil content of 5 and 10% was simulated for the experiment. As ameliorants in various combinations biologic «Microzim Petro Trit» (control when using only a biologics-oil destructor), the plant ameliorant Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), and the endotrophic micromycete Fusarium equiseti Cylindrocarpon magnusianum were used. After the end of the six-months experiment the value of invertase activity was significantly more than 2 times higher in the variant with a 5% level of oil pollution and the joint introduction of a biologic-oil destructor, plants and an endotrophic fungus of the genus F. equiseti than in the control variant. In the same case, when ameliorants were used together with a fungus of the genus C. magnusianum, the value of soil invertase activity was significantly almost 1.4 times higher than the value of the control variant. The use of a complete set of ameliorants with a fungus of the genus F. equiseti and C. magnusianum the value of invertase activity was significantly more than 3 and 2.5 times higher, respectively, compared with the use of a single biologic-oil destructor with 10% oil contamination of the soil. Also, when using the fungus F. equiseti in combination with plants and biologic-oil destructor invertaza activity was nearly 1.5 and 1.2 times more with the use of fungus C. magnusianum in a full complex of ameliorants with 5 and 10% oil pollution, respectively