2020,    № 4 (42)    


Prudnikova A.G., Prudnikov A.D., Pavlyuchenkova V.A., Gomonov A.A., Bogdanova L.I.

Changes in the agrochemical and biological properties of the soil when applying various types and ratios of organic and mineral

The General function of agrobiocenosis is material and technical exchange in the form of a cycle of substances and a one-way supply of solar energy. The consequence of the functioning of agrocenoses is a sharp depletion of matter and energy and a cardinal violation of its structure due to mechanical treatments and other influences. Technological intervention in ecosystems causes accelerated mineralization of soil organic matter and changes in its physical, chemical, and physico-chemical properties. Therefore, agricultural management of agrocenotic metabolism should be naturally determined, highly efficient, and normative (9). The basis for the effective functioning of agroecosystems is the optimization of the "humus economy" of soils and the greening of technological processes (12, 8). Many researchers (6,5,2,11,4,10, etc.) see additional introduction in agroecosystems rich in energy organic matter of all kinds, leaving the soil low-value economic crop, straw, zapaska of green manure, improving fertilizer, ensuring optimal nutrient ratios in fertilizers, improving the ways they are made Description of soil profiles was conducted in accordance with generally accepted approaches. Content of gross forms of heavy metals in soil was determined by atomic absorption method. Field and laboratory studies of soils were conducted in accordance with generally accepted methods. PH of water extraction, organic carbon content and particle size distribution were determined in soil samples. The content of gross forms of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc in the thirty-centimeter layer of soil does not exceed the approximate permissible concentrations but there is an excess of average background values. The results of the survey revealed agricultural areas where the total contamination rate is within the range of 19.9 - 23.2, which, in accordance with regulatory documents on the degree of its chemical contamination refers to it as moderately dangerous