2021,    № 1 (43)    


Dubrovina O.A., Zaitsev G.A.

The influence of anthropogenic impact on the content of photosynthetic pigments in the annual conifer of Scots pine growing in the forest park zones of the city of Yelets

Urban forested areas play an important role in maintaining a high quality of life in an urbanized society. They are assigned the main function in smoothing out negative factors of production and creating a favorable environmental environment. The growth and development of woody plants in urban environments often differs significantly from natural conditions. This factor is particularly acute in the work of the assimilation apparatus. The study of the content of pigments (chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids) in the annual conifer of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was determined in extracts using spectrophotometric analysis. As a result of the study, experimental data were obtained on changes in the pigment system in the coniferous pine needles with an increase in the level of contamination. The analysis of photosynthetic features of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the studied forest park zones in the city of Yelets with a complex index of atmospheric pollution at the level of "low", showed minor differences in the sum