2017,    N 4 (30)    


     Bzheumichov V.,    Shekikhachev Yu.,    Bzheumichova Z.

Optimization of cultivation technology of agricultural crops in Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


     Bzheumichov V.,    Shekikhachev Yu.

The main directions of rational use, protection and improvement of soil resources in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic



      Teryohina O.,     Vinogradov D.,     Gogmachadze G.,     Balabko P.

Biologics as a factor in increasing the yield of potatoes


     Alyabina I.,      Kirillova V.,      Golozubov O.,      Shoba S.

Calculation of normative yield of grain crops based on IS SGDB


     Sapozhnikov P.,      Ogleznev A.,      Konyushkova O.

Comparative analysis of the assessment values for the agricultural land in the Kursk region


     Sanina N.

Effect of the Mival-Agro, Lignohumate and Zelenite complex on the yield and quality of barley grain in the arid conditions of the Middle Volga Region


     Krasnoperov A.,    Sokolova M.

Perfection of elements of microclonal propagation technology for original seed production in conditions of polder farming


     Pinayeva M.,    Akmanayeva Y.,    Mikhailova L.

The influence of biopreparation «Stannifer» on yield and quality spring wheat, cultivated on sod-nelkobazoloto medium loamy soil


      Fedotova M.,     Vinogradov D.,     Gogmachadze G.,     Balabko P.

The productivity of oats in a joint application of fertilizers and growth regulator



     Balabko P.,    Gogmachadze G.,    Beskin L.,    Dyadkina S.,    Karpova D.

Comparative agrochemical evaluation of gray forest soils of the Bryansk and Vladimir Opolye


     Sanina N.

Influence of modern fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of spring wheat varieties in arid conditions of the Middle Volga Region


     Samofalova I.,    Mudrykh N.

Spatial heterogeneity of humus formation



     Khomyakov D.,    Gogmachadze G.,    Zhukov R.,    Zhukova A.

Legal basis for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace of the Russian Federation for monitoring the status and use of agricultural land Part 2. Problems and prospects using unmanned aerial vehicles in the agroindustrial complex and for environmental monitoring


     Mosina L.,    Zhurovsky V.

Microbiological diagnostics of problematic ecological situations at the object of recreational nature management over a 25-year period (on the example of the experimental Forest garden RGAU–MAA them. K.A. Timiryazev)



     Matvienko E.

Assessment of selection material of a sorghum grain to various diseases for droughty conditions of Central Volga area


     Antimonov A.,    Antimonova O.,    Syrkina L.

Distinctive-featere collection of genetic sources of valuable signs for selection common millet in the conditions of the Middle Volga region


     Kuryanovich A.,    Volodina I.,    Abramenko I.

Field evaluation of the productivity and adaptability of alfalfa changeable (Medicago varia Mart.) in the competitive variety trial


     Kazarin V.,    Kazarina A.,    Marunova L.,    Atakova E.

Influence of quantitative traits on the productivity of early ripening soybean varieties in the forest-steppe of the Samara Zavolzhye


     Kazarin V.,    Kazarina A.,    Gutsalyuk M.

Seed production brome (Bromopsis inermis Leys., Bromopsis erekta Hubs.) in forest-steppe of Middle Volga region


     Demina E.,    Kincharov A.

The correlative communications of yield of spring wheat from the indicators quality of grain and elements of productivity of plants


     Maslova G.,    Kitlyarova N.,    Sharapova Yu.

The influence of meteorological conditions on the yield, physico-chemical and fractional composition of protein complex of winter wheat varieties competitive trials


     Stolpivskaya E.

The study of water regime indicators as criteria for the evaluation of spring barley selection material



     Sheveleva O.,    Bakharev A.,    Lysenko L.,    Krinitsina T.

A comparative evaluation of the meat productivity of cattle of the breed is similar to that of various genetic and ecological generations in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Ural region


     Khokhlova A.,    Maslova N.,    Sorokina N.

Economic and biological characteristics and selection and genetic parameters of black-and-white breed cows of different linear affiliation


     Maslennikov I.,    Zakirova S.,    Pankov E.

Experience in Obtaining Hyperimmune Serum for the Treatment of Viral infections in Cattle. Technological Aspects


     Bakharev A.,    Sheveleva O.,    Ponomaryova E.,    Krinitsina T.

Features grazing behaviour of the reindeer of the Nenets breed


      Sheveleva O.

Meat Productivity of Cattle of French Meat Species in the Conditions of the Northern Trans-Ural Region


     Dobudko A.,    Yastrebova O.

Productivity and product quality of laying hens when included in the diet of feed additives FAX-2



     Bzheumichov V.,    Shekikhachev Yu.,    Hazhmetov L.

A study of slope stability of agrolandscapes


     Shcitov S.,    Krivutca Z.,    Kuznetsov E.,    Popova E.,    Kushnarev A.

Decrease in energy consumption of mobile power tools due to use of the loading in addition devices


     Kardanov K.,    Shekikhachev Yu.,    Batirov V.

Development of agrotechnical measures and technical means to regulate soil temperature


     Kuznetsov E.,    Khudovets V.,    Panova E.,    Vtornikov A.,    Markov S.

Energy efficiency improvement tools, equipped with a hydraulic device coupling weight redistribution


     Shcitov S.,    Sennikova N.,    Sennikov V.

Enhancing the functionality of wheeled energy resources


     Pustovoj E.,    Pustovaya O.,    Marmus T.

Evaluation of thermal regime of the asynchronous engine when using electronic control elements


     Shcitov S.,    Sennikov V.,    Sennikova N.,    Belyakov R.

Increase of thread capacity of tractors of class 1,4


     Kalyuzhniy A.

Induction agricultural navigation methods and aids


     Vinokurov S.,     Dotsenko S.,     Burmaga A.,     Shkolnikov P.

Justification of the parameters of the process of disintegration-homogenization of the pumpkin-grain composition by a lattice-knife apparatus


     Vinokurov S.,     Dotsenko S.,     Burmaga A.,     Shkolnikov P.

Justification of the sealing-molding parameters matrix screw press


     Voyakin S.,     Dotsenko S.,     Shkolnikov P.

Kinetics of moisture homogenization in addition to the rationale of a mixer-averager capacity


     Kalyuzhniy A.

Magnetic fields of agricultural navigation


     Hazhmetova Z.,    Шекихачев Ю.А.,    Hazhmetov L.,    Kardanov K.

Optimization of parameters and modes of operation corn thresher by the criterion of minimum injury to the beans


     Gabachiyev D.,    Hazhmetov L.,    Shekikhacheva L.

Optimization of parameters and operating modes of the grinder of forages


     Vinokurov S.,     Dotsenko S.,     Burmaga A.,     Shkolnikov P.

Substantiation of the structural-functional scheme and parameters of the press for obtaining granulated-briquetted mixtures for animals


     Shcitov S.,    Sennikova N.,    Sennikov V.

The performance of tractor-transport units when changing the coupling weight and the point of the trailer in nonlinear motion
