Personal page of Savoskina O. in magazine "AgroEcoInfo"


Personal information



Olga Alexeyevna,
doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor, agriculture chair, Timiryazev Moscow Agriculture Academy,
office tel. (499) 976-08-51,

Alibekov M.,
Alirchikov F.,
Apayeva N.,
Chebanenko S.,
Gogmachadze G.,
Kudryavtsev N.,
Kurganov A.,
Manishkin S.,
Platonov I.,
Saranin E.,
Shevtsov V.,
Zajtseva L.,
Zavertkin I.

Accumulation of vegetative and crop residues depending on technology of cultivation of field cultures
Savoskina O., Zavertkin I., Chebanenko S.
         2015,    N 2

Action of methods of a soil cultivation on phytopathological situation of crops agrolandscapes on slopes
Savoskina O., Chebanenko S., Shevtsov V.
         2014,    N 1

Agro-ecological and economic assessment of the new security measures flax from diseases, pests and weeds- competitors of a scientific degree
Alirchikov F., Savoskina O., Kudryavtsev N., Zajtseva L.
         2018,    N 1

Changes in the physical state of sod podzolic loamy soil with its durable experience and Long-term intensity agricultural use
Savoskina O., Shevtsov V., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 4

Changing the density of the sod-podzolic soil under the influence of pelagic processing methods to erosion dangerous agrolandscape
Savoskina O., Shevtsov V., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 5

Ecological functions of methods of a soil cultivation of different degree of intensity in stabilisation of biological indicators of soil fertility
Manishkin S., Apayeva N., Savoskina O., Gogmachadze G.
         2012,    N 1

Ecological role of fertilizers in changing the structure of agrophytocenosis with cultivation irremovably flax for fiber
Savoskina O., Alirchikov F., Alibekov M.
         2015,    N 1

Decrease in degree of degradation sloping lands the earths at the expense of allopelagic soil-protective receptions of processing
Platonov I., Savoskina O., Saranin E., Kurganov A.
         2011,    N 2