Personal page of Kryuchkova V. in magazine "AgroEcoInfo"


Personal information



Victoria Alexandrovna,
candidate of biol. sciences, associate professor, head of the department of cultural plants, Main botanical garden named after N.V.Tsitsin of Russian Academy of Sciences,

Aniskina T.S.,
Bondorina I.A.,
Donskih V.G.,
Evtiukhova A.V.,
Gorbunov Y.N.,
Isachkin A.,
Ladyzhenskaya O.V.,
Matyukhin D.,
Pokinchereda A.M.,
Samoshchenkov E.G.,
Simakhin M.

Contingency analysis of morphological features of the Pinus, cultivated in the Russia
Kryuchkova V., Matyukhin D., Simakhin M.
         2017,    N 2

Methods of selection and analysis of correlation clusters of features
Isachkin A., Kryuchkova V.
         2018,    N 4

Methods of standardization of variables for multivariate statistical analysis of experimental data (for example, fruit plants)
Isachkin A., Kryuchkova V.
         2016,    N 4

Multivariate statistical methods for phenetic classification of apple (Malus Mill.)
Isachkin A., Kryuchkova V.
         2016,    N 3

Originality coefficients for Rosa L. by quantitative traits of leaf and flower
Aniskina T.S., Kryuchkova V.A., Donskih V.G., Pokinchereda A.M., Bondorina I.A.
         2020,    N 4

Propagation and cultivation of large-fruited blackberry 'Karaka Black' and 'Black Butte' in various conditions
Ladyzhenskaya O.V., Kryuchkova V.A., Samoshchenkov E.G.
         2021,    N 2

Prospect for growing of lavandula angustifolia mill in central Russia
Gorbunov Y.N., Kryuchkova V.A., Evtiukhova A.V.
         2020,    N 4

Taxonomic analysis of the genus Pinus L. cultivated in Russian Federation
Kryuchkova V., Matyukhin D., Simakhin M.
         2017,    N 3