Personal information



Alexey Vladimirivich,
candidate of agricultural sciences, senior teacher of chair of the economic theory and the right, Oryol state agrarian university

Korenkova E.,
Kruzhkov N.,
Myshkin A.,
Stepanova E.,
Stepanova L.,
Yakovleva E.

Assessing of influence of a caesium-137 radionuclide on the ecological condition of soils and plants
Stepanova L., Korenkova E., Myshkin A., Stepanova E., Kruzhkov N., Yakovleva E., Tarakin A.
         2013,    N 2

Degradation processes of soils and lands of the Ryazan region
Vinogradov D., Gusev V., Kuznetcov N., Stepura Å., Sinigovec M.
         2013,    N 2

Estimation of action of zones of ecological distress on the health status of population (on an example of the Oryol region)
Stepanova L., Korenkova E., Myshkin A., Stepanova E., Tarakin A., Yakovleva E.
         2013,    N 2

Estimation of first pollution factors of urban lands of the Oryol region
Stepanova L., Korenkova E., Myshkin A., Stepanova E., Yakovleva E., Tarakin A.
         2013,    N 2

Technogenic influence on the qualitative and quantitative composition parameters of geochemical anomalies in the waters of river Oka
Stepanova L., Korenkova E., Myshkin A., Stepanova E., Yakovleva E., Tarakin A.
         2013,    N 2